I have lived in Alberta for over 25 years. I enjoy being outdoors, hiking, cycling, camping, and canoeing, mostly in the foothills and the Rockies (and occasionally other places such as northern Ontario). I ride a bike to work; but I walk when it’s below -20. I also dabble with watercolour paints and read fiction when I can find the time.
Here is a list of some non-technical books that I have enjoyed (alphabetically by author):
- Austen, Jane. “Emma”
- Bradbury, Ray. “The Martian Chronicles” and “Fahrenheit 451”
- Card, Orson Scott. “Ender’s Game”
- Clarke, Arthur C. “Childhood’s End” and “2001: A Space Odyssey”
- Curtis, Charles, and Greenslet, Ferris. “The Practical Cogitator”
- Dick, Philip K. “Ubik” and “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”
- Golding, William “Lord of the Flies”
- Heinlein, Robert. “Stranger in a Strange Land”
- Helprin, Mark. “Winter’s Tale”
- Hemingway, Ernest “For Whom The Bell Tolls” and “The Complete Short Stories”
- Huxley, Aldous. “Brave New World”
- Lem, Stanislaw. “The Cyberiad”
- Melville, Herman. “Moby Dick”
- Miller, Walter M. (Jr) “A Canticle for Leibowitz”
- O’Brian, Patrick “Master and Commander” (all twenty books in the series – really)
- Orwell, George. “Animal Farm” and “Nineteen Eighty-Four”
- Pirsig, Robert. “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”
- Thoreau, Henry David. “Walden”
- Tolstoy, Leo. “War and Peace”
- Weir, Andy. “The Martian”
Here are a few more technical ones (of a really long list):
- Abramowitz & Stegun. “Handbook of Mathematical Functions”
- Box, Jenkins, Reinsel. “Time Series Analysis”
- Crandall, Stephen. “Engineering Analysis”
- de Bono, Edward. “How to Have a Beautiful Mind”
- Mandelbrot, Benoit. “The Fractal Geometry of Nature”
- Norman, Don. “The Design of Everyday Things”
- Petroski, Henry. “To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design”
- Sagan, Carl. “Cosmos”
- Strunk & White. “The Elements of Style”
- Tufte, Edward. “The Visual Display of Quantitative Information”
- The Machinery’s Handbook
What I’m reading right now: the short stories of Alice Major, and The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson. I subscribe to The Economist, The New York Times, and the Marginalian newsletter (amongst others).